

IM FINALLY BACK FROM MY BREAK ON WORDPRESS (bc school ended of course). Something that’s really been weighing heavy on me is the negative effects that social media has on the world. And granted, this song is hyperbolic representation on that effect (or is it *thinking face*), but it still fits.

I have a strong feeling that social media, or media in general, is gonna help end the world. If not the world then the people in it for sure. It has too much influence over everyone. Social media shows you everything you aren’t while simultaneously bombarding you with things left and right. Tragedies like Flint or Puerto Rico get a couple hashtags and then get swept under the rug. People move on to the next big thing while the citizens continue to suffer. I think because we are being desensitized to things like this or killings and stuff because of this fast pace sharing. I wonder the reason why they (aka the govt.) want us to be desensitized…maybe so they have us under complete control? Or so they can continue the modern day genocide right under our noses? Or to distract us from a war that we have no idea is going on? All I know is, there is a lot of evil both on social media and  behind social media that is starting to show. And while social media mainly catches the attention of young minds (12-30ish), regular media is a different ball game.

Regular media has a knack for connecting to the older generation. It often hides things, the opposite of social media’s oversharing. I find that really interesting. Why would the government want young people to know too much and old people not enough? I’m trying to work it together in my head….maybe if everybody knew the same amount, the old people have the knowledge to show us how to get problems solved? So by underexposing older people, they’re showing that no real problems exist but overexposing to young people to desensitize and expose them to problem they don’t know how to solve? Idk at all smh. I just know that the weapons that the government is using against us is the most poisonous yet. We all gotta wake up from the spell they have us under.

My advice to you: take a couple weeks off of social media and realize how much easier and happier your life is without it. Because without the pressure of living up to someone else’s standards, you’re anxiety won’t exist, right?